A Medical Literature Review on Canagliflozin and Dapagliflozin and the Role of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Diabetic Management | Abstract

The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology


A Medical Literature Review on Canagliflozin and Dapagliflozin and the Role of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Diabetic Management

Author(s): Deepu Daniel and Natasha Bray

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases encountered in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. According to data from the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet, approximately 8.3% (25.8 million) of the entire American population have diabetes. Of this population, about 72.9% (18.8 million) have been clinically diagnosed while an estimated 27.1% (7.0 million) remainundiagnosed.AccordingtothestudyEconomicCostsofDiabetesintheU.S.in2012,thetotalnationalcostofdiagnosed diabetes,includingdirectmedicalcostandreducedproductivitywasnearly$245billion.Extensiveresearcheffortshavegoneinto developing new pharmacologic agents to treat diabetes. The newest medications recently approved by the FDA are the SGLT2 inhibitors. This article will explain the mechanism of the action of this class of drugs along with their specific role in diabetic management.Thisarticlewillfocusoncanagliflozinanddapagliflozin,thetwomostwellresearchedandstudieddrugsofSGLT2 inhibitors,bothofwhichhavebeenapprovedforusebytheFoodandDrugAdministration.Someofthemajortrialsconcerning bothofthesedrugswillbepresentedinthisarticle.


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