Author(s): Md Moniruzzaman
The objective of this paper is to describe how we can get maximum amount of working force from tidal wave energy. The paper starts with defining various forces acting on a floating object. Then describe the theory of how unnecessary forces can be opposed except the force which is useful and how this useful force can be increased hugely, how we can use the force safely. Afterward method then calculation of a 21.5MW hydropower from tidal wave. Used a freehand drawing and some pictures. Finally conclusion states the possibilities and advantages.
Anchor, Electricity, Floating object, Pump, Ship city, Tidal wave energy
The unlimited source of energy ocean tide has the potential to generate unlimited amount of electricity and to provide unlimited water demand. Since 1799 till now energy companies are not able to harness sufficient amount of energy from this constant source of energy. Existing projects are small, critical technology based and so are not economic.
Tidal energy basically is a physical water movement, so compare to solar and wind, harnessing energy from tide should not so difficult.
It is very clear: we need to go through clean energy economy to overcome the worst impacts of climate change. Renewable energy has tremendous economic development, public health, and environmental benefits. Wave energy is unique because it is the most concentrated form of renewable energy on earth, with power density much higher than that of wind and solar energy.
Tidal force on a floating object has two elements:
1) Horizontal force (HF): Is a one directional force creates by tidal flow/current.
2) Vertical force (VF): Is a bidirectional force creates by tidal wave with gravity. (Figure: 1).
Figure 1: Tidal forces on a floating object.
Application of Vertical force (VF) and Horizontal force (HF): Figure 2a & 2b shows some examples of existing various projects.
Figure 2a: Application of Vertical force (VF) Figure 2b: Application of Horizontal force
Tidal horizontal force (HF) (and with others external any kind of wind forces) on a floating object can be opposed by anchor it properly (by using minimum four horizontal/ long-distance anchors) so that the vertical force (VF) remain almost same, as Figure 5. This vertical force (VF) is useful and it can be very much useful as easily increase this vertical force (VF) by increasing the size of the object. This bidirectional vertical force (VF) is very much suitable for pumping purpose (Figure 3)[1].
Figure 3: Archimedes Principle.
Therefore, the vertical force (VF) of tidal wave on a floating object can be huge.
Movement of this anchored ship (Figure 4) due to the tidal wave is only vertical and the amount of energy it carries is big. The vertical upward force of this ship can be useful (Figure 5).
Figure 4: Anchored Ship.
Figure 5: Useful energy that is out of our sight.
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