Green Energy 2021: Effects of ozone stress on physiology and plastidial galactolipids of 2 tropical cowpea cultivars | Abstract
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Journal of Nuclear Energy & Power Generation Technologies


Green Energy 2021: Effects of ozone stress on physiology and plastidial galactolipids of 2 tropical cowpea cultivars

Author(s): Deborah Moura Rebouças

Statement of the Problem: Tropospheric ozone is considered the most detrimental air pollutant to plants. At the cellular level, ozone is itself a strong oxidant and its decomposition in the apoplast generates a range of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Cell membranes are primary targets of damage induced by ROS and the preservation of cell integrity through stable membrane lipid composition is essential to plant survival. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of ozone on physiology, on plastidial galactolipid content, as well as on the expression of genes related to membrane lipid metabolism in two cowpea cultivars: EPACE-1 and IT83-D.

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