Three-Party (Physician-Pharmacist-Director) Collaboration Model on Teamwork Effectiveness Improvement in Hospital | Abstract

The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology


Three-Party (Physician-Pharmacist-Director) Collaboration Model on Teamwork Effectiveness Improvement in Hospital

Author(s): Widysusanti Abdulkadir, Fendy Suhariadi, Arief Wibowo, and Cholichul Hadi

Background: Teamwork between physicians and pharmacists is essential in providing a treatment to patients. Whatever the form and place, collaboration includes an exchange of views or ideas that give perspective to all collaborators. In order to make collaborative relationship optimal, all members of the different professions should have a desire to cooperate. Pharmacists and physicians should plan and practice as a colleague, work interdependence within the limits of the scope of practice with a variety of values and knowledge. Method: The study is a quasi experimental design with a pre-test - post-test control group design, using paired t-test analysis. Result: The paired t-test results show that the variable of teamwork effectiveness in M.M Dunda Hospital increases significantly (p = 0.038), which means that the three-party collaboration model (Physician-Pharmacist-Director) may increase teamwork effectiveness.


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